Bending the Cosmos Fashion Shoot

Anywho....back to the story:
Everything was set for sunday at 11am to bang this one out of the park. We were going to do 6 complete looks---shoes, clothes, know THE WORKS!. Being the social guy that I am, i went out the night before...and prob had a lil TOO much to drink. I blame that on my friends/wedding clients for celebrating a lil too hard at District and getting mr. poteat a lil loose on the goose :) After an enjoyable "classy"--[snicker snicker] evening, I stroll in my house at say...3am, get an EMAIL from the model of the shoot we're suppose to have in 8 hours.
"I'm so sorry but I'm sick so much and i can't stand up from my bed, I feel bad myself so much(((("
This is a direct quote ya'll. The girl is russian, so please excuse the grammar. LIVID, i was! How you gonna cancel on a shoot scheduled at 11am at 3am via email! A mess, and in the words of some famous fashion person, "she'll never work in this town, i kid. i kid. But i do hope she has a very challenging time finding additional work. THANNNKFULLY, i remembered SMART agency. i had worked with them on a magazine ad shoot in atlanta, ga. I contact them, plead my heart out of being out of a model, and potentially at risk of utter embarrassment. THEY SAVED THE 4am on sunday. i had a new model ready to go at 4:30am..and it was business as usual. I swear, mr. poteat does not do drama well...but am happy to know that I have a wonderful team and a host of new friends/clients that help put out them fires when they do start smoking.
You really have some great shots here. Good job!
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